Tzavta #16

JOE VIPONT- Guest Speaker

Joe Vipond  has worked as an emergency physician for seventeen years, currently at the Foothills Medical Centre and the Peter Lougheed Hospital.  His interest in the environment began at a young age with the many hikes and natural explorations, and solidified further when he worked for three summers at Dinosaur Provincial Park.  In his own community of Hillhurst Sunnyside, he, along with some neighbours, re-established the highly local, and organic, Farmer's Market where Sidewalk Citizen was an original vendor.  More recently, his interest has turned back to the environment, sitting on the board of CPAWS - Southern Alberta (2012-2015) and the Alberta Wilderness Association (ongoing) and becoming a spokesperson for the Alberta Coal Phase Out movement and the Canadian Coal Phase Out network.  He runs three facebook pages, including Alberta Acts on Climate Change, and often reaches upwards of 15,000 people per week.  Joe grew up in Calgary and continues to live there with his amazing wife and two amazing daughters.


Blake Shaffer works in energy and environmental policy.  Blake has extensive experience - both professional and academically - in the energy sector, with a specific focus on electricity markets.  Blake is currently a PhD Candidate in Economics at the University of Calgary, as well as, a Fellow-in-Residence at the C.D. Howe Institute, a think tank based in Toronto.  He has recently served as a Policy Advisor for the Government of Alberta on various energy related matters including the 2015 royalty review, the climate leadership plan, electricity market reform, and economic diversification.  When not policy advising or dissertation writing, Blake can be found roaming the streets of Kensington with his three daughters, likely in search of treats and playgrounds.


Tzavta #17


Tzavta #15